Act No. 1
In the burning bowels, the magma gathers in concentric circles, in a slow and hypnotic dance that transmits calm and invites you to let go. Each layer embraces the center with delicacy, as in a deep breath that propagates outwards, in a reassuring and constant movement. Here everything seems suspended, wrapped in a primordial serenity, while this latent promise remains guarded in the depths, ready to reveal itself when the time comes, in a display of pure
natural beauty.

Act No. 2
After the quiet, the Earth begins to awaken, and its energy becomes palpable. It is a deep pulsation, a rhythm that grows and intensifies like the beat of a powerful heart. The underground veins light up, transforming into a visible venous system, a network that carries an incandescent and unstoppable vitality. The tension rises, the Earth can no longer hide its power. It is ready to show itself, to reveal what has remained hidden until now. This pulsation is the prelude to something greater, a charge that accumulates, that can no longer be contained.
The surface is tinged with anticipation, as if every rock and every grain of earth were holding its breath. The moment is approaching.

Act No. 3
The time has come to rise, to move toward the surface. The magma, now a rushing river, finds its way through the cracks and crevices, approaching the outside world. In this act, the Earth is not alone: it dances together with the sea and the air, involving each element in a harmony that seems to prelude an explosion. The movement is vigorous, but not violent; it is an ascent full of grace and determination. The Earth wants to show itself, it wants to put on a show, and each element collaborates to set the scene. The sea ripples, the air vibrates, and the lava advances, with the knowledge that soon everything will reach its culmination. This is the Ascension, a display of power and beauty that prepares the final act, the moment when each element will finally be free to reveal itself in all its glory.

Act No. 4
After a long and intimate underground dance, after the pulsating beats that have passed through its bowels, and the ascension towards the surface, now the explosive nature unfolds in all its majesty. The magma, no longer hidden or held back, is released in a symphony of colors and light, while the heat transforms into a golden glow that envelops the surrounding environment. It is the moment in which each element - fire, earth, air, and light - reaches its maximum intensity, merging in an apotheosis of pure vitality. Splashes of red and gold branch out from the heart, like pistils that radiate vital energy, while black, at times, recalls the profound origin of this force. There is no trace of threat or drama; this explosion does not bring destruction, but celebration. The Earth asks for nothing, it simply offers itself in its maximum expression, transforming every fear into wonder. This is the Apogee: the culmination of a journey that has crossed silence, tension and ascent. A unique moment, in which the Earth reveals its heart and lets itself be admired in its purest essence.